Sunday, April 12, 2020

Is it worth to start over?

Assalammualaikum guys.

How are you?

Okeyh gais. Aku terdengar lagu korea ni kat tiktok, macam best gitu. So, aku google, rupanya OST Itaewon Class. Aku ada tengok drama ni tapi tak habis sebab time tu banyak drama baru keluar, jadi aku tolak tepi cerita ni. Hehe. At first, aku eksaited sangat tengok cerita ni bila watak utama berjaya merealisasikan goal dia which is untuk bukak bar dalam masa sekian-sekian tahun. Macam termotivasi kejap nak ada wawasan. Namun, itu semua hanya sementara. Hahaha.

Okey, now straight to the point. Aku cuma nak cakap bila aku tengok lirik lagu ni, aku terus emosi. Banyak kali jugaklah tengok video english subtitle sebab kejap nak nyanyi, kejap nak nangis, kejap nak mengimbau kehidupan. Haih, macam-macam.

I am not sure the accurate translation for this song (its Start Over by Gaho btw), but I am assuming this song is about starting over (buka buku baru) your life to achieve your dream. Whatever your dream is, you should go for it, struggle for it and insyaAllah, you will achieve it at the end of the day.

It start with this sentence : 'New beginnings are always exciting' 

Yes, it was. That is what I thought when I want to pursue master last year. But, now here I am. Stuck out of nowhere. Not sure this struggle worth to give my all or should I drop it, before its too late. If you want to start afresh, this song may motivate you to go forward. But, if you are in the middle of your journey, currently contemplating on your decision ... this song may bring you down, though. Or maybe just for me.

By the way, there's this line in the chorus 'I can fly the sky.. '. Haahh ... terus teringat Climax by Team B, '. You know, they struggle back then (not sure for real or just an act, but still the struggle is so real for me). And now, the leader of team b is not there anymore after he and his team went to the second war and successfully debuted (still, i was grateful that they were not disbanded after the first program). But, aku tak boleh tengok la second program tu, it kinda kejam sangat untuk tengok diorang fight with each other T-T. Fight with other team is okay but fight within a team is a no-no for me.

Well, not that I am saying that the struggle for Hanbin was all useless as he is not in the group anymore. Wherever he is now, that experience was important, it shaped him to whom he is today. Same with me here. I always grateful and embrace all my life experiences as I strongly believe that experiences and environments shape a person the most.

What I am trying to point is to reflect and to choose the best decision for your own good. Choose your life goals. Ask yourself what is the most important aspect in your life. Is it attitude ? status ? financial ? time ? family ? health? Plan your path with that. And if you want to start a new journey, know when to hold on till your last breath and when is the right time to give up. That is the key.

But, remember, life is a journey, not a destination.

ps : I refer the translation here :